Posted by novasorangindonesia | Posted in

Dibawah ini adalah materi - materi kuliah PPC (Production and Planning Control) semoga bisa bermanfaat - RESOLUSI 2010-

1. Lecture 1, Introduction of PPC --> download
2. Lecture 2, Inventory Probabilistik --> download
3.Lecture 3, Exploring Data Patternusing Autocorrelation Analysis. --> download

4. Lecture 4, Master Production Scheduling --> download
5. Lecture 5, Aggregate Planning --> downl
6. Lecture 6, forecasting --> download
7. Lecture 7, inventory management --> download
8. Lecture 8, Intro PPC 2 PDF --> download

Materi - materi diatas adalah dari dosen PPC tercinta pak NYOMAN PUJAWAN

Comments (1)

    tolong diperbaiki link download nya dong.... kali ajah materinya berguna...thanks